Friday, September 13, 2013


...which is really just a continuation of life with some books and more structure thrown into the mix. And it always comes at the right time and is welcomed to bear its more productive days.

The kids also discovered the camera. My nice one. How fun to go through and see life through their little eyes. My favorite is Gabe's much anticipated arrival home. It's picture worthy, ya know?!

Thursday, September 12, 2013


We STILL talk about our special end of the summer stay-cation. Gabe took a few days off from work-work, though still managed time here and there for a recent and very exciting new endeavor. More on that in a future post!

We even had some, out of the ordinary for what had been the norm for the month, HOT days one last time to enjoy our favorite summer pastime, the pool! Every day we did something 'special'. We hit up the Almanzo Wilder farm, local icecream stands, the Fort in Potsdam (a FAVE!), Lemuel's two month check-up followed by more icecream, fire pit, a camp-out that started as a four-some but quickly dwindled to a two-some (Gabe and Asher the loyal stick with it ones!), bike riding, a visit from my friend from college and her little growing family, and the beach! Yes, we finally made it to the beach! When you have the pool, well... the desire and necessity just isn't as pressing. We like our nice little set-up here. It made for a wonderful vacation! Time together is simply the best!