Wednesday, January 21, 2015


In about a week and a half January will be over?! What starts out as a bang with the New Year slowly but surely morphs into one of my favorite seasons. Slow. Home. Routine. Cold outside. Warm inside. Winter. Sometimes cloudy gray skies. Other days blue and bright and glorious. Good habits. Bad ones. As much sleep as we need. Complete lack of it. But always met with a hot cup of tea whatever the time of day, whenever the thought crosses my mind. Peppermint, red raspberry or Adirondack serenity, a pinch of organic stevia leaves, and I make my favorite (for many months now) concoction. It's pure joy and comfort in a cup.

January has been full of details. And as I simply look around, or mindlessly browse through my photo gallery, I see these details really are the essence to my days. Not the source. But the tangible expressions a million times over in one simple day that I am loved. I am sought hard after. I have because I have asked. I don't have yet because I need to ask more. I am full of grace. I am a sinner. He is in passionate pursuit of, me.

Instead of measuring a day and its worth according to my own idealistic and romanticized standards, I see these details speak so clearly. Simple. Mundane. Easily overlooked for something bigger or greater or louder. Quiet. Luring. But coming straight from the Source, nonetheless. The One I have to dig deeper into hourly. The One quickest to forgive and then cleanse from all unrighteousness. The One who knows me. The One who desires me. The One who gives good gifts. Really really good gifts. 

My eyes are open to His hand and it comforts me daily.

These are His good gifts to me. 

Our little Johnny-boy doll. This was mine as a baby. Washed/soaked/scrubbed and dressed in Mom-Mom's hand made clothes. Given to our Johnny-Love for Christmas.

I turned 30. I also spent the week of fighting a cold and cold sore the size of Mt Everest, but Gabe still took me out!

Boys and tea cups has to be one of my favorite things.

A lot of living, breathing, and eating The Hobbit, and now The Lord of the Rings books, around here.

Jalapenos with cream cheese on a bagel. He and I share a favorite.


Out of all the other seats in the house. All of them, right here, by/on me.


My favorite kind of learning. Together. Though I truly appreciate the independent times my older ones can have in their studies!

A little lighter a little later.

There is always a deep need to squeeze/bite him after I look at this one.

Decaf for a treat.

Just one of the big kids now. *sigh*



Playing with Legos. Not eating them.

My grandmother's handiwork. I remember her telling me to use them, however I can't help but keep them just for lounging pillows when reading in bed. Good thing that isn't too often in this season!

Counters covered in dish cloths. Some one's excessive/prepared edge always makes me chuckle.

Always a resting buddy.


The kids each wrote their own I Have a Dream speech. Hearts poured out, over prayers really, to see abortion end in their generation.

The month of love awaits.

Don't bargain with God. Be direct. Ask for what you need. This isn't a cat-and-mouse, hide-and-seek game we're in. If your child asks for bread, do you trick him with sawdust? If he asks for fish, do you scare him with a live snake on his plate? As bad as you are, you wouldn't think of such a thing. You're at least decent to your own children. So don't you think the God who conceived you in love will be even better? (Matthew 7:7-11 The Message)

What a good good Father I have. He cares deeply for me. I can bring my requests to the Lord.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

christmas eve, to start...

Christmas Eve fast approached and with it, the anticipation that Gabe would be home TWO days in a ROW! Of course, when you are partners of a newly constructed business, it really doesn't matter much the time or day or occasion, duty often calls. I don't remember much a holiday where my own father wasn't called out for something, so this I know to come with the role. I've made my peace and as noted before, my own mother truly amazes me. Her example speaks to me daily!

As time ticked on and morphed much past 'no more than 20 minutes, babe' (Of which I was smart enough to know would not be the case. I do love my idealistic minded husband!) several many hours to be more precise, my own patience and good attitude began to feel tried. Just when seams were starting to fray (mine!) in walked Gabe to whisk 4 very excited and patient little ones away to fill my stocking! Only later would I find out they didn't just get a few things from the selection I had showed eager shoppers earlier in the week as told, but ALL of it. I was more surprised and impressed with their ability to remember every little detail. 'Caramel latte' for lipstick. 'Bare honey' for blush. The colored tights among so many. The exact hair clips among a million! Gabe was lucky to have them along!

We settled into the remainder of our afternoon and evening together with a much anticipated candle light service, only one of the prettiest! Cookies and milk to follow. Bed for tired though excited little ones awaiting thereafter.

Although, this year had other demands for that normal nightly routine...

It didn't matter how much I prepared and got ahead. Remember? Sure that helped, but I just knew in my heart Christmas Eve would find us very busy, up late, and scraping the bottom of the barrel for time and last minute surprises! Gabe worked so hard on top of the daily grind of demands to make some special little requests take place, as well as things I've been envisioning for a bit. Isn't that just what good dads do?!

I'll admit it even made me excited and a little bit giddy! Something about secrets. Twinkling in eyes! The wonder. The trying to figure it all out. The guessing. Trying to keep everyone occupied and out of Dad's way while he worked his magic. Christmas really is a special time for families. I remember my own growing up so well.

But before I go any further, some pictures.

Christmas Eve breakfast

 Awaiting cookies before bed the next 'activity'!

Dad slips away to work.

Help was always needed. Kids were situated with ELF (funniest Christmas movie!). Thankfully they stayed completely enamored even though it wasn't their first viewing.

Things took MUCH longer than anticipated. What's a couple extra holes?! Movie neared the end. Curious footsteps were redirected back down stairs only a couple times.

Babe, they still have to fall asleep before we can install! That could take a while. 

Shelves removed. Hidden in our closet. Lights dimmed so as not to see holes ready to be used for something!

Kids in bed. Next on the list.

I offered tea, more cookies, encouragement, and help when and where I could. But mostly we laughed!

Done- but kids still too groggy for the final part.

Arranged presents and fussed downstairs. Checked kids. Still too iffy. Filled stockings. Got ready for bed.

Finally, we made our move and hoped for the best. It was getting late!

I think everything that could have gone wrong did despite preexisted drilled holes, and as much prep as we could do before hand. Oh well! We laughed a lot more.

Only a couple close calls! And none that anybody remembered in the morning!

But... eventually finished for them to wake up to, with stockings carefully nestled on top. PHEW!

Morning greeted us just as the light was beginning to reveal faces in front of ours asking, "What time is it!?" I heard the rustling of a stocking at the end of our bed and imagined Asher's eyes before looking into them. I wanted to remember the look I'd see that would settle down into my memory bank box of emotions to never forget. And I won't, but to my surprise he held not his own, ready to be devoured as expected, but mine! What a sweet boy!

Breakfast, clean up, dressed for the day (that's how the  man of this house likes it!) worship, and then some gifts. My favorite ones? Treasured items they each already owned and gave to one another, because they knew it would really truly bless. That doesn't cost a dime. That costs part of your heart, but it's the best part to give. I was blessed to watch the joy tanks fill deep inside as each gave of these very well thought out gifts and then watched as they were received with awe. I would have loved to have seen the very workings in which they counted their loss and then the instant they decided instead to count it as joy. True, make you explode with joy all over that won! I remember the day this was taking place. Scampering to and fro. Paper coming off the roll in layers! TAPE! Oh the tape, by the foot! I kept my mouth shut. The excitement! That joy that won. I knew this giving would be special.

And no one can ever take that from each of them. It was a wonder to watch. God is good. 

This year after we celebrated just our little familywe cleaned up again, and prepared for special guests for early afternoon. It's love for Him that drives you to stretch and notice and grow a heart for His people in ways you know to be a work of only His doing. If you ask Him, He's faithful to do it.

I have no pictures after I set the table. Too busy cooking a turkey and then chatting away, but it was a wonderful time we will remember always.

I hope that after the bins were carefully organized and put back on the shelf for next year; Christmas neatly stored away, that you felt the hope only He gives to face another New Year. Emotions shift and feelings come and go with the changing of the winds. He is the constant to build your life upon. And true joy is found in Him no matter what season you're walking through.

I am thankful for that real joy! Thankful to share it with my children and husband. Thankful to share it with others.