Wednesday, January 29, 2014

january in pictures...

January is coming to its near close. That month that welcomes all that goal re-prioritizing, heart attitudes and issues put back into check more diligently, fresh schedule changes, and the important things addressed and made the most important things, again. All with the hope, anticipation, and expectancy to look back on yet another year marked by, more of Him. Always, more of Him. 

I get to throw in a birthday along the way too, for good measure, and I have to say the older I get the more I love my birthday in this month. It's quiet. And simple. And warm by the fire. And I'm already doing much reflecting in the name of a New Year, that it comes as quite a gift to reflect on my very own God breathed life all intertwined. I like it. I'm remembering now the look of disappointment and sheer disgust with me when the kids woke up on January 9th. Mom, why didn't you decorate? It's your birthday!

Note to self for next year: try not to be so LAME. 

The month of love awaits us, as well as the start back up to our Friday's being accounted for at FRIDAY SCHOOL! Before February comes and takes off without my knowledge of the time or day, here I pause to jot down January in a picture nut shell. For the Grammy and the Grandma most definitely...

Always a play-mate. Always.

Long hair.
Long hair on our clothes. Long hair on the floor. Long hair tangled in the vacuum cleaner. Long hair clogging the drains. Long hair in the baby's hands and stuck in the crevices of his chunky thighs. How? But totally worth the time and commitment, if there even really is one at 5!

A new pen pal.

Check out those deltoids! Or just squishy tender meat on that bone. It sure takes a biting.

Strange looking thing from across the field that only sat there and held our attention forever. Porcupine?

Was it really that cold out? Yes. Yes it was. In here though? It's all about style, flavor, and mood for this one. Coolest hat EVER with neck warmer attached/stitched right in. Thanks Grandma!

Puzzles after breakfast. Puzzles after lunch. Puzzles after nap. Puzzles after dinner. Puzzles before bed. Wake up. Do it all.over.again?!  I.WOULD.DIE!

Too frigid outside? Snow angels inside, complete with Upward/Pirate/arm-in-a-sling-band inspiration.

Curious and getting braver by the day.

I don't make snack anymore! She taught herself. Innovative. Independent. Go get 'em type of attitude she has. She takes care of her boys.

Chasing sun beams.

Two children in particular, as part of their New Year's goals, had it in mind to take some 'cooking classes.' As soon as their little eyes widened and twinkled and I heard those words, I'll admit...I shrank a bit in my chair. That meant I'd be the one giving those cooking classes at the most inconvenient time, when sometimes I'm struggling myself to conjure up some inspiration. But their little faces covered with sheer excitement and anticipation helped me face some heart issues of my own. Now, we've only had a couple classes (as the kids like to call them...more profesh) sprinkled here and there, but it has been really really surprisingly fun and not inconvenient AT ALL. And I'm tying heart strings. At least, that's what I think and hope and pray we're doing. And throwing in a love for cooking all at the same time, something I have only acquired in recent years. Why must I always resort to being selfish first and foremost? Hey, I'm learning too.

Dinner prep time to quiet down to. It keeps me sane.

Rocked himself to sleep, again. Warm and rosy cheeked from the fire. Yikes maybe a little too warm?! Oops!

Mom, I left a surprise for you in the sink! (after his chore)
a cross...

We dusted off, cleaned up, and (she) spruced up the very doll house my daddy made for me. It made for a fun morning after bustling (in a never done before record time...motivated much?!) through all her chores and school. 

We are the only girls. It really is rather special. 

Gabe is not in many ANY pictures. He's too busy being provider, husband, father, friend, leader, God seeker, kingdom builder... the list goes on. But I received this picture in the mail this month, sent from a wedding we attended this past fall. I look like a dork (how can we both have such different emotions expressed?!) but that smile? That dimple!? ACK!!! I look at it ALL the time, it's true! Such life in that face. All of my babies wrapped up in that man. 

Also, another trick to share! This one just blew my mind away! We're still in process, but the end is finally in sight! Boy, the things you learn as a mom. I love it! Next time... It's pretty awesome!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

let them in...

What stirs me up?

When my husband sends me the prophetic word we received  nearly 2 years ago through email first thing this morning. I know that means he listened to it on his way to work this morning and I can't tell you how that alone speaks to a woman's heart. He's seeking the Lord for our family. And he's leading us well.

I love how the Lord is speaking, always. How he gives glimpses into your destiny and at the time you hear, test, and wait but the moment it quickens in sync with your spirit you know they were the very breath and words from the One who wants to reveal His thoughts and His plans for you, for such a time as this.

What stirs me up?

When little people around me fall into their destiny. We're asking them to pray. This is not Daddy's thing, or Mommy and Daddy's thing. This is family kingdom work, and they have a part in all of this too. There is an impartation awaiting their little souls. And I'm stirred a fresh to cast vision while Dad's hands are to the plow. Keep sharing with them what God is speaking. It's paving the way to making my God become their God. I can see it in their eyes.

What stirs me up?

When the very words written on my heart through a message yesterday are written on the same one who I hold covenant with, that were also written on the heart of first born, to come from this mystery, through his own time of asking and God seeking.

He's in this. And all around it. 

If there's one thing I want my kids to catch from this season of 'pioneering' and 'redefining success through perseverance' it's this... He's speaking. Tune your ear. This is for you, today. You're 7 and 5 and 4 and 2 and baby in every way, but you will taste and see that the Lord is good. He's faithful. You can move and act and rest on the very breath of God. And we'll show you how to walk by faith and not by sight. 

We'll make you part of this. You have a part in this.

Monday, January 27, 2014

january has been...

Cold. The  kind of cold you layer up for, and then layer up again. The kind of cold you go to bed hugging and wake up in a twisted tangled embrace of sorts, still. All with another little someone wedged in between, three quarters of the remainder of the night. There might be cricks in the neck and knots in the back, but it's been survival mode and I can't say I mind one little bit. 

When there's warmth to draw near to, when there's a source to come crawling to, it's there. Every time.

I woke up one morning last week in desperate need of that source. Just make it to the sink and start the oatmeal... I had my routine, my steps, to fall back on and I was pulling for anything. There on the sill, those words met my weary gaze. I had put them there weeks ago, not knowing for such a time as this. But He did. He moved me to.

It's not a problem to be in need of the source. It's knowing where to look, when. And in a moment like that, when I've let my view become cloudy it's His grace that stretches beyond my own feeble attempts at even pursuit of Him, to meet me, simply because this Saviour loves like none other. I can't ever escape His view. His heart is far too wide, far too deep, for me

For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power. Colossians 2: 9-10

And I heard Him say, Let's DO this! (made me smile) You and Me. I got this. 

What a warmth to my soul...

Saturday, January 18, 2014

sick in pictures...

I know so many have been hit with this. What a sneaky little virus. I'm thankful to be over the hump of it in terms of numbers but we keep plugging along in the 'getting better department'. Gabe remains untouched by it all. Praise God for that one!

The kids did so much of this. What an unusual sight around these robust and active parts! I wanted to be here but couldn't. I'd pay for that later. Fortunately, Gabe was able to work from home the day it all caught up with me.  

All but this child got the fever. He never really slowed down even after developing the cough we all have. He kept things sweet (and interesting) covering me with blankets and pillows, making messes around every corner, and terrorizing his siblings unable to reciprocate. He's no dummy...

Gabe is such a trooper, braving the aisles for his beloved. He LOATHES this task but knows when I text him my list, it's desperate, as in... if you come home without this stuff you're drinking and eating water for dinner. Oh, and feeding the kids that too!

I'm not sure who he loves more, me or Pooh.

Wow, it was tricky to pull this off. Now I know why I never make it outside. Mom is needed.

Only a couple side effects from the medicine! Loopy eyes and strange teeth...

While he's dealing with the works now/still, I'm not sure what's sadder.... how sick he is and therefore miserable, or that when I go to get him now from his bed he's sitting like this. Cute but WAH!

This guy got hit the hardest. This was DAYS after his fever passed. He got the cold/cough. When he's down and out I KNOW it's bad. This kid never takes a break.

This really isn't that unsual for these two. They enjoy a good relax, but because this fell during 'sick week' I didn't motivate anyone to get up and go do something productive now

Texts, emails, phone calls (Marmee) came in from friends and family asking how we were all faring, often. I had flowers, tea, and honey delivered to my front door. Something about flowers, yellow, amid sickness. I am surely loved by many. 

Sick but showing me his trick of pretending to reach for something then returning to this position. Very proud of it too!

Yah... I wish I could say this was solely because of the state of our recent health, but I'm not so sure my record holds real strong. How does one acquire so many strewn about clothes when I've lived in the same two pajama pants all week? Obviously David Copperfield was here. He's good! 

That's just one of his illusion tricks! Don't let him fool you.

The sink windowsill lined with tricks when desperate. 

Upward started last night and this morning for the kids. Sophia has only been asking about practicing dribbling for weeks now when she then decided she'd be playing after years of a good hardy, NO. Also, her strong interest to watch football when it's on, since that will help her in basketball, sure gives us a chuckle.

Lemuel was up last night hot with fever, again. We'll keep plugging along. Lots of resting by the fire under more blankets. Tea with honey. Lots of books and movies to go around. 101 Dalmations, the movie, is a favorite on Netflix. All of the kids asleep (including myself) sometime between 7:30-8 o'clock. 

I'm thankful I have no where to go, ever. Thankful for a husband already busy to the brim who will gladly run around for me when I can't. True love. And thankful that with each passing day I see a little more improvement. 

January, I still like you. We usually end up sick with something when you come, but you help us take things slow. It's crisp out again and I like you like that.

Monday, January 13, 2014

for fun: tips, tricks, favorites, as of lates...

:: I've been using this recipe (the one in the purple shading towards the bottom) for over a year now. This one for about 6 months now. And a sort of vinegar/water concoction in a spray bottle for kithen and bathroom cleaners. I use it to wash our wood floors too. Lots of hot water in a bucket and a big splash of vinegar.

They work and I don't feel bad having the kids participate in chores involving them. Not to mention, cheap. Dirt cheap.

:: A rice cooker! I have one that looks similar to this one, all white. Mine was passed along to me. Knowing what I know now about one, how it perfectly cooks each indiviual kernel with no clumping or stickiness involved, I'd be more opt to find a way to pay for something of the sort.

:: My mother in law gave these to me one year in my stocking.  I use these with the kids to memorize. I use them on my own. I flip through the heading at the top of each one while feeling a specific need or leading to pray for or pass along a word of encouragement to others.

:: These! I got some of these for my sister-in-law for Christmas. I passed along the idea to my mom for myself. The kids LOVE them. They easily get away with one for the entire day. The prints are fun. No more running out of napkins!

:: Almonds! It's trouble when I don't have these or another nut on hand for my go to snack in the afternoon. And sadly, I pay for it.

:: More water. Dry skin? Dry heels? Nursing? Fatigue? Headaches? More. Always, more.

:: Sulfate Free shampoo/conditioner. I have the means for this from Walmart. It does the trick.

:: The Boxcar Children with the kids. Asher reads ahead a couple chapters, then we regroup and I read aloud to everyone.

:: Raising Kids Who Hunger For God for me. It's been slow going. My time is usally interupted but I'm finding myself able to camp out on a few pages or even just a few paragraphs at a time, for days.

:: Sundays we put the kids to bed at 7! That's early for the older two, but they are allowed to lay in their beds with books or legos until 8 o'clock. We usually aren't completely child-free (Lemuel) but the quiet time (even in just the house) to regroup and plan the week with Gabe before it takes off and gets the best of us has been really fruitful.

If you read this and you blog consider yourself 'tagged' to post 10 of your own!

Randi, Danica, Keila, Brietta- I tag you. Tag 4 more you know.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

remember when?

You were asked to be a flower girl? And once I described to you the honor at hand you quickly pieced together from others' weddings this desirable job. Then you floated on air, basically.

Remember when you got your dress, tried it on, twirled all over the place, and asked EVERY SINGLE SUNDAY from then on if you could wear it to church? You were cute and persistent but I stuck to my guns.

Remember when we took Grandma to the flea market (Grandma LOVES the flea market!) and you and I found that curling iron for $1? You found that ring and sparkly Barrett for your hair too, for a grand total of (including the curling iron) $3.

Remember then we 'practiced' with the curling iron and you were beyond excited to show Daddy when we were done?

Then the trip came. And we went to the rehearsal, just you, Lem and I. You were such a blessing and sweet and everything that makes you, you. Then remember we headed back to the boys because it was getting late and we ordered room service?! That was fun. AND good.

Remember how you watched with such anguish in your heart when the bride danced her last dance with her daddy? It broke daddy's heart and mine in half and I cried just thinking of you all grown up. You have such a good daddy. But this, you already knew. I saw it in your eyes.

Sophia, with the name just like your great great great grandmother, you are a blessing to me!

And you were so beautifully special that day in every single way, soaking up someone else's joy and making it your very own. What a gift to have such a fine young lady (Livvy), who loves Jesus, to look up to. And boy do you ever. 

I love you!

Friday, January 10, 2014


We did Christmas. And it was magical. Not exactly because of the favorite traditions we do year in and year out, though those are fun. No, this year it was just different. And I felt it in my soul. I know my kids had moments as such too. The kind you sit back and bask in the realization they're being awakened to something more. I know they will remember our special breakfast this year, the way the tree beckoned us to just come, sit, and be in its midst, the cookies we made, consumed, and sent around to neighbors. The way their daddy took them sledding 'on vacation' in the DARK and hung red Christmas lights in their room. I have pictures of it all. And they're sacred to my heart.

But the tree got torn down. We finally found baby Jesus in the hay to put in the storage bag with the other figurines. The boxes strategically packed away on the shelf as in a giant Tetras game.

You can't see Him. But you know He's there. And He's not just there. He's here. In us. But how? Liam has been asking such great questions as of late. The kind that make me search my own soul and dig a bit deeper, again. Sometimes I feel an ache when I pack Christmas away. I hit the high so high that the slump sets in deep and all that I'm left gazing at are the long cold winter months ahead with kids up to my eye balls.

This year though, I kept being drawn to that stable. So humble, so hard, so real. And completely in His midst. He in theirs. They welcomed Him in, to the deepest parts of their being. And the revelation of His love for them, for the world, didn't hide the hard times or circumstances they were in or that of others, but gave breath and new meaning to the very words life and love. They got to experience Him.

I find the New Year with leading as such. Be ready to intercede, more. Be ready at a moment's notice. Know your scripture, the battle is at hand. Sharpen your weapon and walk in power. Be listening and share. Walk in obedience.

And I'm beyond thankful that when we walk in His midst, when we invite Him inHe gives strength to look beyond ourselves. Effective becomes our name and it's a dangerous place because the powers of darkness lose their ground.

I packed it all away in such peace this year, those boxes. And I marveled in the fact, He loves me. No matter what. He's absolutely crazy about me. And I can walk the path ahead knowing this life giving and love exploding truth makes me effective regardless of what the days ahead may bring.

What a way to start the New Year.