Monday, December 16, 2013

Grammy and Grampy time...

Opening presents from the kids. This one was from Liam. It consisted of lots of odds and ends and gum, pre-UNwrapped!

Gabe got creative with the camera?

To be like Daddy now and play and sing with him!

It's hard not to love this baby!

Hours and hours of fun.

More party time!

We love Grammy and Gampy!

Friday December 13th

Boaz turned 2 on Friday. My Christmas baby (as close to Christmas as we've got!). My first home birth. My third little man. Friday we celebrated just us. I was given an early Christmas present from Asher! Sophia helped me make 7 layer bars. (Keila I don't follow that recipe to measurements and I do another layer of all the good stuff minus the butter and graham cracker bottom.)

I spent what seemed most of the day (or at least during the kids most needy hours) tackling a Winnie the Pooh cake. Dinner was rice in the rice cooker with a little bit of Soy Sauce and Parmesan cheese sprinkled op top! The following day my parents were coming to celebrate Christmas with us. The cake was on the menu for our joint celebration of Jesus and Boaz. Parties are just more special with family! 

But we partied it up simple style our family of 7 and here's proof we had fun doing it! You know... once I had finished the cake and all was right in the world again.

We have a 2 year old in the house again! Time and efforts put in will one day soon pay off! This boy is a gem who is very much still in love!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

6 months...

Just before a little someone around here turns two, I can't ignore or fathom the fact that another little someone just before hits the six month milestone. Half a year. Half of a whole year.

Lemuel entered this world just the way my entire pregnancy with him went, freakishly fast. And the boy hasn't slowed down since. Not once. Or rather, time has not slowed down once and at times I feel I'm on the fast track of a time warp that doesn't play fairly. He's reaching for our plates, playing with toys, growing teeth, getting stuck under the furniture and sucking on his toes.

He ditched the pacifier months ago and thinks it's funny when I put it in his mouth. He's an easy, warm and snuggly sleeper in bed with us. He's jolly and easy and predictable.

I love his name. And I can't help but think of this very charge for him, the one that told me while still in the womb that if I had a son his name would be such, each time I pray for the man he will become.

Proverbs 31:1-9
The sayings of King Lemuel- an inspired utterance his mother taught him.
Listen, my son! Listen, son of my womb!
Listen, my son, the answer to my prayers!
Do not spend your strength on women, 
your vigor on those who ruin kings.

It is not for kings, Lemuel-
it is not for kings to drink wine, 
not for rulers to crave beer,
lest they drink and forget what has been decreed,
and deprive all the oppressed of their rights.
Let beer be for those who are perishing,
wine for those who are in anguish!
Let them drink and forget their poverty
and remember their misery no more.

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
for the rights of all who are destitute.
Speak up and judge fairly;
defend the rights of the poor and needy.

Time can keep making its way through the seasons of my life. My squishy delicious babies weren't made to just be adorable squishy babes. What destiny this little person contains! What a calling to have future men in my home.

Be a good king, Lemuel, in the sight of our God. You have a royal inheritance in the Kingdom of God.

6 months and baby's first Christmas.

Monday, December 9, 2013

sights and smells of Christmas...

The ludicrous amount of sweets consumed has begun!

Christian Fellowship Academy's concert night!
The thrift store pulled through for some Christmas-y apparel! 

When family living nearby is nowhere to be found, special traditions carry on with special people who long for the same comforts. And we love these people.

Our FIRST family picture of the 7 of us! Yes, Lemuel will be 6 months in a few days. Better late than never.

Still such a mama's boy.

Only a mama thinks this face, still healing from the effects of a virus weeks ago, is precious in every little way. 

The tree. Much larger than we thought. MUCH larger than our little space can/should really contain, but the kids LOVE it!

It's a great BIG big world out there to discover and take in. Good thing the tree fell over in the night and we could properly tie it to the window so as to avoid a treacherous outcome for this guy.

7 Stockings now. 

Christmas Advent story books and tree.

It's Christmas in our home. The kids are wrapping up old toys, making creations for each other and couldn't be more excited to give them! This giving of good things has really sparked much fun and interest. And I know it comes from heaven above. Because how special to think, the best Gift giver of all gave the very best gift for me, for them.

These traditions. This time. More than even the giving! Just tools to point to the best gift of all... Jesus.