Monday, December 15, 2014

we had a party day...

Tacos, chocolate cake with chocolate icing, and Gabe home for dinner pretty much summed up this little birthday boy's requests.

Wrestling and shoveling for activities.

He's a bit demanding in the kitchen. Too many chefs, but we have fun!

December birthdays do NOT require any other decorations! These ones are the prettiest.

Liam, drinking the 'juice' of the banana peppers.

God bless Boaz!

With the guest of honor.

Saturday, December 13, 2014


Boaz turned 3. THREE! Three (for me) is that age that slips right up on me where I realize, almost over night, baby/toddler days have been LONG gone and being a big boy (or girl) just makes sense. Oh, here you are acting like a big boy because you ARE one. You're 3 now!

Naps for this one are a thing of the distant past, though he is a gem and joy from sun up until sun down. He will often quietly fall asleep while reading on the couch should it be close to that bedtime hour. He goes to bed quietly, and his compliant heart made transitioning from crib to twin bed the easiest thing I've ever done! That and potty training.

He likes to 'cook'. He has been the only other child (aside from Sophia) who can sniff out the smells of food, hear the clanging of bowls/utensils, and then as if he's programmed, run and slide the step stool over until it's right tight snug next to me. "You make dinner, Mom?" I love that. Some days it overwhelms me, but for the most part I really love that about my Bo.

He knows what he wants and likes what he likes, and he can very sweetly, though right to the point, persistently change your mind to get what he's looking for. This is one of his strengths from an early age I have seen; he is a gentle strong leader, and this he gets from his dad. His attitude (for a 2 now 3 year old) is consistently the same. Not too much one way or the other. Just perfectly in the middle. The best of both worlds. He gets this from his dad too.

I see a lot of Gabe in this boy. I see that gentle and quiet, though very strong, leader come out in ways only a mother would get to witness. And I give glory to his Maker, because this redeemer has good news to share and people to win for Christ. That's just the kind of heart it takes; persistent and gentle.

His words are not many (like his dad), yet they are soft and affectionate and purposeful (like his dad's as well!) to me. "I love you", "Can I give you a hug Mom?", "You're so pretty Mom" "I'm sorry" "You sit and hug with me" are quick from his soft little lips. They can melt my heart whatever state it's in.

He doesn't venture far, and he's not too daring. He likes to shop with me, loves his daddy and siblings fiercely, and has recently become the clown at the table just to make someone laugh.

Today he told me, "God is with you, Mom. Don't be afraid." And I know in my heart he is saying this not only to me, and often times the others, but to himself. For 3, he seems wise. And for this I give glory to God as well.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

december days...

The snow finally flew again. Nothing ushers in the feeling of Christmas quite like that white glistening back drop. Sophia's prayers can now be directed towards something else, though still accompanied by 'a baby sister'.

The month is in full-swing. The calendar is filling up, though with plenty of quiet and calm yet to behold. Those must be penciled in as well. This season can tend to squeeze and draw out every ounce of energy which is why the purposeful staying ins sure help to remind us of the why we're going outs

The stuff we're feeding on here at home, so our souls are strong and purposeful, never forgetful, help aid in soaking up this reason to really celebrate and rest, true deep down rest to that very aching soul looking for that very purpose. How wonderful, I think!?

He came looking for me, for you, that night long ago. His heart was big and it exploded with love for all of mankind. Not because we were ready and looked our finest and sharpest. No, He came because we needed His touch. And He gave it! He finds lost and broken souls and breathes His promise back into them. 

And we can stake our whole lives on His

Real life in the background.

My little Christmas tree gazer friend.

There is always a time to set aside ocd tendencies and break out the glitter and glue to make some memories (beautiful ones I might add!) with the kids. Thanks, Pinterest.

What a perfect stage in life. It's as if it all just clicks.

I set her up in the kitchen and left to work on my bedroom! We'll keep her!

Major progress the last time we made it to the rink. I was so excited for him. 

Dinner. Just my babes!

This hour or two before bed is a favorite. The busy work and projects come out (no prompting from me) and it's a restful time before bed. Just what we all need!

Monday, December 8, 2014

the most wonderful time of the year...

December started with a bang. It always does. On the 2nd we joined with friends to wander (though not too long in the colder than just cold weather that day) to find, and to gather our trees to adorn with lights and ornaments too many. 

Although the afternoon and evening until bed time was full to the brim accounted for, it doesn't matter the hour or level of sleepiness (not the kids!), a bare tree standing in the room beckoning to be decorated always wins. 

So, I lit the candles (that dripped wax all over the mantel come to discover later) and we dove in, full force! It was fun. It was special. It always kinda makes me laugh, this tradition of bringing a live tree into your house and covering (or caking on in our case due to a smaller tree this year) with 'stuff'. Some of it sentimental. Some of it funny. Some of it rather interesting or just plain ugly but special to 'someone', so we put it up. 

And we live life down here by the tree. And it really is rather beautiful. It's a fun tradition and just the way to kick off the celebration we anticipate at the end of the month. The birth of a King. Why not go all out for Him!? 

So we do...