Monday, September 29, 2014

Saturday, September 20, 2014

to know is simply enough...

"Teach us, Good Lord, to serve Thee as Thou deservest; to give and not to count the cost; to fight and not to heed the wounds; to toil and not to seek for rest; to labor and not to ask for any reward save that of knowing that we do Thy will. Through Jesus Christ our Lord." ~St. Ignatius

I'm thankful for this rock that I call my anchor. Where peace is found that surpasses all understanding. Where His will is safe and the deepest most loving place to be.

Joy explainable.
Abundant flowing.
Stronger than death.

You have the sweetest name.
You are my soul's refrain.
I worship You.
I worship the name of the Lord.

And, because little boys who have a daddy who points them to His Will is the best kind of daddy to have.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

9 school days later...

The first day of school consisted of breakfast eaten and chores (we do those first before diving in for the day) being done in record time. Everyone was just a little bit (VERY) excited. I'll admit this year found me digging my heels in a little deeper and longer, holding onto summer all that I could. 

If it weren't for their constant reminders of, "Mom, we start on Monday right?" "Mom, tomorrow I can't WAIT for school!" "Mom, we do school TODAY!", I may have kept putting that start date continually off. I really do love homeschooling. I just also found myself in the thick of reality that summer was over and wondering where did it go?!

I still find myself calling the day 'done' just to soak up the lingering days of warmth and sunshine. Now that it's been a good week and we've worked through what each day will look like (some even twice now), I'm happy to say I'm on board for another year (phew!) and have been transitioning more easily into what this change actually looks like. I like what it's producing: a lot more structure and purpose to our days. Cooler nights and cool mornings only signify my favorite season really is on its way. This is good stuff to put our hands and might and best to, for the Lord. Nothing and no one else.

We have a general flow to these days, following more our natural rhythms and cycles. I have a general idea of specifics that need to happen. I don't watch the clock unless we have an outside appointment (RARE). Things get done. I made a list for Asher, in no particular order for his independent subjects like reading, penmanship, math, piano, and typing to be done (with things to change on Fridays once Friday school starts up), to help aid in more self governing as well as brightened up the updated chore chart we've been using since about mid-summer. It got chewed on a bit by a cute little toddler. It provides the kids with all their daily morning chores (brunt of chores) as well as one 'extra chore' each morning, depending on the day. I was finding there was just more I needed help with around here! I'm thankful for willing helpers who don't bat an eye when I 'add' something more. Some even request them!

I haven't entered the need (yet) for an afternoon/evening list of some sort. For some reason they have those down pat and don't need any reminders or hints/help. I myself actually prefer that style of working so I am happy to lose the lists when and where I can. I definitely see the need for a time or season for them and so, am happy to implement them when and where needed to serve us/me. This friend recently shared here and here about what works best for her and her family. She shares a lot of the same philosophy concerning homeschooling, organizing/delegating, and most importantly that a one size does not fit all. I've gotten many great ideas and nuggets from her as well as other seasoned moms I know. Read what she wrote because I feel like I'd just be echoing a lot of what she shared. 

One rule I have with our chore chart is when (after a season of daily work and practice doing designated chores) someone  thinks they are all done, they may only then go 'check' to see if indeed they remembered them all and are ready to tell me they are finished (that's when I may or may not go around to check in on some of these chores to see if they have been done correctly which is always good to do from time to time). They have the chance to attend to the one or two they missed or if completed come and tell me they are done and ready to have work 'assessed', which I don't usually do now that they are all up to speed with the how and what's expected. It's more the time to then build up and reward for diligence, good attitude, and work done completely.

The goal is they should have all, if not most, done when they go to 'check' at the end. They aren't to ask me continually what is next (that's what looking at the chart on their own and learning it for a season is for) but on the flip side I also don't want them running to the chart each time to see what to do after completing just one, when I think and know it's high time they can remember more on their own. I was finding them too dependent on the chart (to the point of annoying), WAY back when, so this rule of thumb satisfies my desire for self sufficient and independent (even from a list) workers. 

Highlights for all just a week and a half in? 

*The electric pencil sharpener. Just wow!

*The beautiful caterpillar we found that has since formed a cocoon and sits in a bucket on our island. It could be a long winter waiting for this guy.

*Still being able to send Asher (with book works to accomplish) with Gabe to work, just to be with him.

*Teaching Textbooks for Asher's math. He loves it is an understatement. I have to limit his lessons to 2 or 3 a day. We may or may not already be on disc two, for those of you who know what I mean.

*Sophia learning to read at a more rapid rate and asking to read all the time. Up in her bed. Throughout the day. Asking to do penmanship up in bed too, at 9:30 p.m. 

*Devotions after breakfast and chores that really has evolved into so much more over the years. Our core things (most important things in my book) get done, which specific to this year has everything to do with 'hiding away in your heart' the truths of God. Scripture and hymns is about as simple and basic as it gets, but I want my children to be filled with those truths from sun-up until sun-down. Expanding our hymn library and even sharing with them some of my favorites has been a springboard for some really special gatherings loaded with those very truths. Ways to worship through song and work are heavy on my heart for this school year as well. There is nothing sweeter than hearing the hymns I am teaching them being poured out from a heart, down on hands and knees scrubbing...the toilet. I know it's touching His heart in return. I'm using this book more as a 'guide' or 'starter' for wherever the Holy Spirit leads us. The entire summer looked very similar to this, though I had no book incorporated. Just the good ole internet when needed!

From it also stems Asher's spelling, vocabulary, and copy work with the flexibility to add history and literature as I see fit since we do do another literature based program for history. We squeeze in our Little House on the Prairie series we're still working through (finishing up The Long Winter just yesterday morning and anticipating Almanzo coming to call! in the next; Little Town on the Prairie), as well as talk about chores done in the morning and stars as earned for a later reward. It's a building, sharing, teaching, praying, worshiping, learning, getting on the 'right kind of track' way to start the day before diving more heavily in. It's refreshing to my soul and helps me breathe just a little bit easier. I really really love it!

This EAGER student and workhorse keeps me calling for the breaks and deciding when we're 'DONE!' His first day was so precious to me. So determined. So ready. So not ready! Lots of shaping going on here. Fun and funny. Free spirited. Doesn't easily back down. That's a full package right there folks!

Working through the 'kinks'? The first day really was high and low and up and down and exhausting for me when it was all said and done. I flopped on the couch in the late afternoon to hear "Teacher, Teacher!" being played upstairs. It made me smile and realize, all was not in vain. 

Choc chips and maple syrup. Anyone?

Really?! I have boys who just do thisHow sweet!

Sour apple season in full bloom.

Sharpening made fun!

Hard to spot, but literally dead center in the picture. 

School/life right around me.

Typing Club.

The perfect little distraction.

Mom needs a break. Time for a walk!

Shadow jumping.

Working side by side with my babe. He was actually home to do some things. What a treat! I like working with and being with my man.