Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Overdue for an update NOT a due date...

...because obviously (to me!) this baby has not had enough time to develop for me to have nearly 38 weeks of this pregnancy DONE?! Doesn't the baby need at least another 6 months?! I don't think it's ready to survive outside of me. Didn't we just find out? Surely labor is not looming THAT close around the corner for me!

I find myself thinking these things only to be brought back to the unavoidable realization that the size of my stomach, the looks and questions from strangers, and the date on the calendar really do prove otherwise. While that in no way means our excitement is lacking to welcome this new little one beyond the confines of their permanent strapped in car seat (which does have its advantages!) it does mean this pregnancy has gone by what I can really only describe as freakishly FAST!

We finished up our second year of home school on May 3rd. All those cold, sometimes long, days spent inside plugging away proved to be worth the diligence. As soon as nicer weather hit I'm not so sure you could have paid me enough to stay inside. This break before baby comes has proven to be exactly what I had in mind. I have only had one other summer baby, Sophia. The nesting that takes place with a summer baby proves to be by far my most favorite! Able to keep up with tackling closets here and there throughout the winter months has now left me able to focus on outside type nesting things/projects when the weather permits, which for me, is entirely just more fun and rewarding!

Rest! Another thing planned for during this break. I forgot at the end of Boaz's term how that tired stage hits again, much like the first. No surprises this time! Maybe that alone has helped me to keep the proper perspective rather than grinding gears with it like last time.

When energy permits (which has really surpassed my expectations this time around aside from this recent cold/sore throat that hit earlier last week) planning our summer garden has been probably one of the most exciting forms of nesting! The kids enthusiasm and excitement for this endeavor is precious. Hopefully 4 weeks postpartum I won't be kicking myself wondering what I was thinking in wanting one so big and of all summers! I'm hopeful that my goal to still be enjoying much of the fruits of our labor during the winter months (our own little winter share) will prove that again, diligence does pay off. Garlic, onions, sugar snap peas, cucumbers, tomatoes (of various kinds), tendersweet carrots, purple haze hybrid carrots, hybrid orange krush watermelon, zucchini, squash, butternut squash, autumn acorn blend winter squash, mixed greens, herbs of several kinds, peppers, and 2 blueberry bushes (of which won't produce for a couple of seasons I'm guessing but something I'll add to each year) sums it up, for now.  I'm happy to 'outsource' the corn. In my opinion there really is nothing like the Thomas' corn! Gabe and the older two got everything planted last night upon returning home last evening from an overnight stay in Schroon Lake to celebrate the life my grandmother lived, this time on my dad's side.

The kids pray every day (multiple times per day!) for our baby and me in this last leg of pregnancy. Asher recently prayed that my labor would be just one hour! Talk about intense and although the last two haven't gone much beyond 3 1/2 hours (Liam's right around 3) I told him that might be a little too fast. I need Regina to come in time. Yes, our second planned home birth is still well under way! Assuming our ducks continue to line up in the nice neat little row they have been, I remain a perfect candidate. I'm really thankful for this option and the chance to try. Regina is someone we really appreciate. Heading into a second home birth with her has been much different than the first. I didn't have a box for one otherwise and although each birth is entirely different wherever you end up giving birth, it is nice this time around to have some idea to it all!

With permission from my midwife, for my sugar glucose test this time I followed this guide as opposed to the standard 'push everyone through the same protocol' they like you to undergo. I did feel like I was bucking the system with the confused looks (even a glare!) and questions I received in the lab, however it worked just perfectly and for that I was pleasantly surprised and thankful! If you're pregnant or ever will be please take a look at it. It's worth the read and thought.

I have managed to avoid any trips to the chiropractor this pregnancy, though that hardly translates to a pain free hip/back situation. I found a simple stretch that allows me to relieve the pressure when first felt and even crack the areas that need it. I wish I had figured this out sooner. In terms of an achy back and hips, this is the BEST I've felt in a pregnancy! Staying on top of it has been key, not to mention how good it feels during the stretch and especially afterward when I can walk with great ease again! Wow! The things you take for granted when not pregnant.

While we do have plans to visit our families at some point during the summer months for vacation type stuff, besides a stay-cation here and 'have a new baby' our summer right there is pretty much planned. The pool has yet to go up and get crossed off the list. The kids helped me tackle the basement one day last week. Quarterlies, IHIP's, and anything else I can think of in preparation for next school year's term have been sent in. Things are getting crossed off my to-do list and the home birth stash in the corner of our room is slowly being readied and added to a little here, a little there.

The days are spent outside for the kids and the adventures they come up never cease to amaze (and humor!) me. With windows open (permitting it's not raining) the sounds of laughter, screaming, "Mom! We're heading into the woods now", "Mom! I have a surprise for youuuuu!" fill my day and honestly my heart. Conversations run a little deeper as of late "Mom, we need to talk." (Asher) "Mom, let's talk." (Sophia) and the privilege of being the one to hear what is even on these little peoples' hearts and pointing them back to Jesus is really beyond me. I get to be here for that and it's awesome! God, brought down and made real, to them, personally, specifically. It's a work I get to watch and be apart of and it's just exciting.

Boaz! That little chunk remains my biggest fan! He is loving his first real summer. He cries at the door to go outside. He is happiest just walking around out there and able to (for the most part) go wherever he pleases. I know he must be thinking....FREEDOM!!! or something along those lines. He is growing up in more ways than one. And I know the inevitable will happen once this new one comes: Boaz will seem like a small giant! I know he already is one, but he is still the (my) baby.

Life remains full and busy and blessed for Gabe and me. We are creeping up on 8 years this June 25th! We will most likely be celebrating with a newborn!, all weary eyed and sleep deprived that comes with that. This holy union, this mystery, done God's way has been one of the greatest things to be a part of. I love that guy, but what I love most about that guy, is how Jesus has transformed sanctified and sustained us, together. Gabe is a blessing for sure but I know full well where this blessing of a husband and beloved has come from and it's He who I worship and praise for it.

God isn't worthy to be praised because of how blessed I may feel on any given day based on what may or may not have made up my day. And it's often I need this disciplined reminder. Everything I have is a blessing from Him and there is no denying I have many blessings. But it's not the blessings I worship. If I didn't have any of them, just Jesus, I'd still be the most blessed person in the world. This is how I want to view this world and the things it has to offer as 'fillers', distractions, idols (even good things like a wonderful husband and children)... Give Me Jesus.

I called my grandfather early last week and talked to him for the first time since my grandmother had passed. I was so touched by his repeated choice in words of not really much else..."God is so good! God is SO good!" This good God will be his cornerstone and source of strength because my grandfather made Him his cornerstone and strength long before Grandma passed. What an awesome testimony! That made me bawl like some crazy hormonal pregnant woman. Oh wait...

One day, one glorious day!, every knee will bow, every tongue will confess and praise God. What a gift to do it now. I am a lot of things to a lot of different people. But hear me when I say, first and foremost, I am this...a daughter of the Most High King. I am here for Him, solely. And that's pretty cool to me. Everything else can just fall into place as He sees fit.

And it does. It really really does. With grace and strength when needed. With joy and praise to stand back and take it all in when we go to bed each night with full bellies in warm beds, healthy, safe, together, and knowing there will be new mercies and grace sufficient for the day that lies ahead.

Thank you, thank you God.

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