Sunday, June 16, 2013

Lemuel: His labor and glorious entrance to life outside the womb.

Lemuel: "Devoted to God."
John:  "God is gracious." In honor of Gabe's dad, John Ockrin.

Lemuel John was born 6-12-13. I rather like that easy to remember birth date. Lately, I've been struggling at Drs. offices trying to come up with the right years for everyone. 6, 6+6=12, after 12 comes...13. Easy!

We had yet another successful home birth! What a blessing! I am continually thankful for this experience. I can't say enough wonderful things about it. Others may disagree, but for me, for us, this is the way to go. Yes, even Gabe relishes in the benefits of a low risk pregnancy/labor/delivery and I think I heard it more from him this time than even the last how much he loves to be home too. God is good to us.

My due date was Friday the 14th. I had no feelings as to when things would happen, let alone how fast this time around things would really catch wind, take fire, and take off. Literally, too!

I woke up that morning with it feeling like all the rest. It was a beautiful sunny day. The kids played outside. I kept Boaz inside most of the day with me so I could putz and even rest while he played and watched a movie. I went into massive nesting mode and stripped everyone's bed and hung sheets on the line. (Should have been a red flag?)

I did notice within the past few days more and more Braxton Hicks making their appearance. On this particular day I did notice them maybe even a bit more. Very sporadic, irregular, though mixed on and off throughout the day with lower back achiness. "Hmmm... wonder if today is the day?" I even texted to my mom and sister. Really more hopeful than anything because again, nothing was really sticking. A pregnant girl can dream right?

The day was coming to its usual Wednesday second round of events: Gabe's always welcomed return home from work, a quick dinner, and then Asher sent out the door with Gabe for this time his last piano lesson of the semester. Sophia joined in on their usual fun, as well as the quick mid-week stop at Big M for more bananas and milk (major staples in this house!). I don't remember much while Gabe was gone for that hour. I cleaned up from dinner and picked up around the house. Earlier in the week I had started to pack up bags for the kids to go be with my parents and in-laws once the baby came. I think I did a bit of that while the little guys played, should something happen in the wee hours of the morning. I was suspicious maybe something was up with more irregular contractions coming, though growing just a hair more in intensity.

I remember Gabe returning with Asher and Sophia and sighing a BIG sigh of relief. "Ok, if this is anything, Gabe is home now, we can hunker down for the evening, get kids in bed, and just wait it out."

I remember the look on his face when he walked in. He was completely elsewhere.  

"There's been a fire at Alcoa."  
"Do you need to be there?"  
"If I can. I should."

Thinking about past labors/deliveries we decided that since 3 hours has been a pattern from onset to finish, a mere 1.5 hours could be playing it safe. Since nothing at that point was absolutely certain in terms of a labor at all, all I could say was, "Keep your phone close."

Note: had I really been in full fledged labor at that point 1) Gabe would have never left me no matter how dire any other circumstance was. 2) If I honestly thought things were headed in the direction they really were (come to find out) I would never have given the OK.

to be continued...

because this is how I'm spending my time now, and I'm loving it. Tired. But loving it. And see that little Lem of a love. He's absolutely into me too!

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