Monday, August 4, 2014


The only place I know he's truly accounted for and not getting into something, which at this point means ANYTHING and EVERYTHING!

His, "You really think I'm going to sit here and look at these books, Mom?!" face.

"No" to the wipes container.

Having a mischievous one year old and four other children to keep tabs on is as good a time as any to 'expand' the gardens, right!? And while I have nothing to put IN the new space, (reserved for flowering perennials since I can now with MUCH more sun exposure, see?!) at least it's ready, right!? It has been a fun project while it lasts. Just have to go where the motivation leads me in this season of life. I'm sure another day it will be purge/organize the closets which isn't nearly as much fun, in my book.

Kept him busy, but of course, not long enough!

While I do have designated cabinets for the 'toddlers' that serve as storage AND safe crazy (though 'messy') fun entertainment (note: diaper picture above), this guy has taken it to a whole new level! I wonder how much of that really has to do with my inability to keep tabs on multiple things and human beings at once. EVERY cabinet and drawer is now up for grabs. And while I don't think he's any more busy than any of my others at this age, I do think he's simply this: 'number five baby'! Clearly...and cute as ever. 

Older siblings remain smitten. He takes awesome 'naps' day AND night. He's learning and discovering and taking it all in. No. Come. (I'm training a puppy.) This reward, eternal. Sway back. Bowed legs. The waddle makes my heart burst. He's ours and he's something awfully special.

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