It's a time for putting our hands to the plow, I tell myself. It's a season for lots of sowing, I tell the kids. Then they look at me confused and we sit and I explain, again. Liam prays this morning and thanks God for the tiny little seeds that will grow into plants that will be big and beautiful. We're 'go-go-going' from sun up until sun down, but the waiting with expectancy, faith, and hope is something that runs deeper with each passing day. It just has to or else we'd all go crazy here.
We go about our days, perseverance the name of the banner we wave, marked of course by the need to stop, redirect, remember, look past the here and now (at times and many times throughout the day or just hour!), and simply say out loud P-E-R-S-E-V-E-R-A-N-C-E. When I remember I have a Helper to do exactly what I need to do in the exact moment I am feeling the most inept, the most inadequate for the calling before me, the air really does become so much easier to breath. Those times remain marked by His grace and strength that I had nothing to do with but stand there and walk in a power not my own. He is a living God, you know. In the moment. Right there. He even allowed that moment because He has everything I need to withstand and walk in victory. You do too. He always provides the scapegoat. Look for it.
In the meantime, life around these parts thrives. I continually stand amazed and thankful for His faithfulness in that regard, to me, who sometimes wonders if I'm hitting all the marks 'I' think we should be hitting. I haven't attempted the beach by myself with just the kids (maybe in heaven I will actually be able to do that!). I have, so far, taught NO ONE to successfully swim in our 36 inch pool. I still have elastic from 6 months ago that I got to make Sophia something in the line of a dress or skirt. I haven't done this or that, but at the end of the day His agenda is really the only agenda I want to be implementing. Rather than just, are we happy? Or what did I/we accomplish today?... Are we growing? And are we being stretched and learning from the marks? I want to stop and see His imprint on our very lives, not have it pass me by.
I see grace given to my children and I'm thankful. They carry a lot in their hearts and prayers too, for this very season, and echo now my biggest prayer of all for these 'seeds' we're burying deep down into the cool of the earth... that they'd love Jesus all the days of their lives. Starting with, today. Because all of these 'todays' add up to a lifetime of walking with Him, wherever He calls, wherever He leads.
Summer is coming to a fast close. The lawn needs a desperate mow. Sophia sneaks in some time in her new work books here and there though we haven't officially started much of ANYTHING in the line of home school. Asher worked from sun up until 10 o'clock last night with Gabe. He loves every minute of it. Gabe does too. He needs to just be with his daddy. What a good daddy to do just that, and to pass on how to be a man. One of integrity, one of excellence, one who loves Jesus. I am proud of my men.
I also can't help but find myself wandering through my day gripped with the recent outbreak of so much pain and suffering. Though nothing new, it is our world's reality. So much hurt. So much need. I am quick to remember I was once just as dead in my trespasses as those inflicting such suffering. God is a just God, but He is also a forgiving God and I know He is after all those hearts to repent and change and find who they really are in Him. The bondage those souls are in. My heart is gripped for them as well. His blood was shed for us all.
But I will not feel just helpless as I lift up prayers and shed tears that ache from the inside out for those crying out. Their cries are not unheard. And my faith filled prayers can change and impact the course I am watching unfold from afar. I love how God is meeting them right where they are. He is a near God.
It's times like these that confirm in my heart, again (and even solidifies the direction I felt lead to take with our upcoming homeschooling year months ago)... Hide in our hearts the promises, truths, and WORD of God. Psalms, hymns, scripture passages. Teach them to my children. What if they take all our Bibles? And times get really hard and bad for us? It needs to be on the inside so I can preach the gospel to others and even myself in desperate times of suffering, pain, and persecution that I even wonder when we will find ourselves in. Put on the whole armor of God, know your enemy, and walk in victory.
Never has there been nor will there be a name, a person, so controversial as Jesus Christ.
Did you ever stop to really wonder why?
Because He was and is exactly who He said He is. Not sure who that is. Read about Him and what His kingdom is. It is not an earthly one. It is the only one worth living for. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and His kingdom is one that will never be destroyed. He waits with life for you.
Kings and kingdoms will all pass away, but there's something about that name.
I am so so thankful for that name.
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