Such a special season sits before us. It is nothing shy of the most favored. Aside from stockings and a project involving Gabe (not really sure when, in my ideal mind, that is actually going to happen. Christmas Eve most likely, making it all the more fun!) all shopping is complete. I have to say being on the ball coming into the season has put my heart at such ease, such peace. I enjoy shopping entirely way too much, however (for me) it's often all consuming when in the thick of it. And it's a fun all consuming. Wrapping. Anticipating faces, my own emotions wrapped all up in them. But something about having this time to solely focus on why we even have this season and something about this very day to day season personal for me, for us, and having nothing before me (vying for that time and attention) just feels right this time around.
The book basket sits stocked with our treasured 'bring out only at Christmas time' books to read and devour every day/night by the fire, as well as some special new ones added to our collection. The manger-sets sit perfectly and exactly positioned just so (Sophia) to worship the treasured baby who brings light and peace and life to the dark world He came to save. We love that little baby. "He's so precious, Mom." And more than just a little baby, a Savior for all this brokenness, our own hearts, right here among these walls.
But before I move onto the next chapter of our story of life with my babies and next to my man's side, we did celebrate Thanksgiving at my sister's this year. And a wonderful Thanksgiving it was.
He's just the best Grampy!
Lemuel's first real Thanksgiving. He entirely approved!
The big boy table. And Konor, who joined the Goldberg family until his father can properly care for him. Pray for Konor if you think of it. God works all things for good to those who love Him.
The only picture of the talent show. Gabe and I walked away with first place. Video to come after some editing. When?!, is a good question!
That night we drove the 20 minutes between locations to where Gabe grew up. I don't have as many photos from our time there. My poor babe, Gabe, came down with a terrible cold (feverish, achey, and a bad headache) so my time became highly accounted for with other more important things.
Time with family is something we don't take for granted. We weren't able to all be together from either side, but it's still something we treasure and look forward to each and every time the opportunity allows.
Fruit salad the size of Boaz!
Helping Grandma, really anyone, always. But she especially loves to help Grandma.
I am thankful that while He has stretched and caused much growth, and continues to, it isn't burdensome. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. So while we do tread in waters that are often very thick and weighty (it just is on this side of time, I don't care who you are or what you do), He is there to remind us of our position under Him. To continually breathe life and purpose and calling back into us, and to raise up in us the strong desire to persevere with all diligence.
I am especially thankful for a husband who has lead, and continues to, with excellence. He points us (me) continually to Christ. Casting vision on a consistent basis has kept our family on track. That shows a gentle, purposeful, and mindful leader and we have exactly that in him.
This season is still one of thriving in all areas for us, and for that I am most grateful. That speaks everyday to my heart and it's answered prayer in every way.