Wednesday, November 19, 2014

8. Because 8 is great...

And because you are great. Right now. Today. I don't need years to go by to realize the good qualities that hopefully lie in waiting for you. You are walking them out as we speak. Sometimes a struggle though many times just naturally who God made you to be, along with things you've already placed in His hands and allowed Him to do a work in. I love that about you. You are responsive, to me and Dad, but especially to the Lord. You are loyal and faithful and so badly just want to please everyone, most of all, Him. He loves that about you.

You came at just the right time. I couldn't imagine our world without you. I am so, so glad God knew better (the best!) than we ever thought we could.

His gifts are good all.the.time.

You are that gift to me every day of my life.

I initially panicked as I thought I had no good pictures of just you. While I actually don't have many good ones of only you, I couldn't have been more wrong! These are precious to me because this is my Asher. Who you are carries with you wherever you go, even pictures! My heart bursts as I look at you through these and realize, again, how special you really really are. What a sweet sweet boy you are.

Always working hard and diligently with a younger sibling by your side, though never too busy to stop and show love and affection. Always thinking about others and making sure they are the ones having the best time. Loving Jesus enough to hand over many fears. He has really pulled through for you hasn't He!? Giving. Selfless. Joyful. Again. And again. And again. Faithful. You are a faithful child of God and He is pleased with you!

Your journal to be had someday when older. I picked this up for you when you were 6 months old and have been writing in it here and there over these years. I will remember you like this always, my blond haired, always giving hugs, sweet little boy.

Love, Me

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