Wednesday, July 24, 2013

a dream...

Liam and Boaz go to bed first. Asher and Sophia get to stay up a little later. They are the older ones and with that title comes special privileges. Liam looks forward to the day he can join them, but until then, he desperately needs to go to bed at 7:30. Even that is pushing it with no naps on these busy, hard played summer filled days.

Most nights when I bring the others up half an hour later he is already fast asleep. Last night however proved differently. He had already been out of bed a couple of times. I was holding a too restless for sleep though not wanting to be put down Lemuel while the others chatted. It seemed to be turning into one of those dreaded bedtimes. One where no one wants to abide by the nighttime rules and order.

A sleepy Liam, stirred by the commotion, felt it prime time himself to mutter something, a dream, I just HAD to hear. Most dreams are silly and go on and on and on. We had all day to share dreams. It was bedtime and I just wanted kids to go to sleep. I could almost hear and feel the sharp tone and harsh words sputter off my lips. To my absolute surprise nothing came! Not exactly normal in a moment like that.

Listen to him.

He'll forget it by tomorrow and you'll want to hear this.

Thankful for the Holy Spirit in that moment, my entire attitude changed. We pray for all our kids, but Liam has really been on what seems the forefront lately. It's a work only the Holy Spirit is going to do, and one in which I'm actually really thankful to be released of the burden. There have been some more than trying days while we wait. My strength has been renewed in the process, but it's only natural to long for some fruit. Pray earnestly for that fruit to appear. 

Last night it did. Seemingly small, but a testimony God is at work and we can rest in Him nonetheless.

Liam's dream:

In a rather sleepy state:

I saw a bright white thing. It was different. It was black and red and orange. It was like a rainbow. He said He loves me. He loves me Mom! And (in Liam's little way of pauses with massive stress on certain words)

He closed his eyes with the biggest smile on his face and drifted back off to sleep.

This God. He pursues. He reveals. He's real. No one can ever take that away from Liam. I am thankful the Lord is on the hot pursuit of my son, Liam.

Last night could have been very different. I am so thankful for the Holy Spirit working in my own life. Praise be to Him and how He moves and orchestrates in the mundane times of even a simple bedtime ritual.

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