After posting this and having quite the turn out from others (several of which I've incorporated, one of which we started benefiting from asap... grape seed oil from her) I have just one more trick/tip I recently came across that I just have to pass along. It's pretty specialized, but if you or someone you know is ever faced with this condition, don't waste your time with anything else. It certainly took me by surprise and we gave it quite the TEST.
But before I found this natural approach that I have yet to share with you, first I'll tell you where we came from.
Warts. Asher had one on his finger and one on his toe. No biggie, but let's get them gone!
Days turned into weeks, which I was aware of. Weeks turned into more weeks, which I was aware of. But when nothing more than burning and reddening of the skin not meant to be localized was beginning to appear as the extent of our healing, I began to become doubtful in my motherly attempts. I started questioning this OTC approach altogether. Liquid Salicylic Acid? What really is that stuff? That just smelled... weird. And those band aids with it built right in, well those were just adding up! It even said on the back of the box, up to 12 weeks. $$$
Poor Asher. Such a trooper, but starting to lose heart. They were getting worse, not better, and I didn't want to push him any further just to avoid a trip to the Dr's. where I was certain they'd only give him something stronger.
So, I did some more research and came across one home remedy that had made me laugh out loud the first time I stumbled across it, weeks prior. Or rather the pictures. But we had bananas and duct tape? and desperate souls so...
Enter: Our banana peel from earlier that day. Just a little piece, enough to cover the hurt, inside down, rubbed gently on the wart to get some of the 'good juices' off before left in place, securely wrapped in duct tape, administered only at bedtime, removed and washed thoroughly in the morning, and aired out all day until roughly 7:30-8 pm when bedtime came again. Sometimes they fell off in the night. Yes we did resort to a stretch glove to keep the finger one on. And yes, Gabe did tease us both, "Only Renee's babies."
But it worked! With DRASTIC results just after the first night. By day 3-4 they were improving immensely.
Coolest part? I had a dream while early in the banana peel process that I checked his finger and it was all clear. That very next morning, Asher RAN yelling to me, "Mom, there's clear skin showing where the wart was!"
We just knew it was going to work!
And in only true Asher fashion, once the one on his finger was gone, "Mom, I'm a little sad. I'm going to miss my wart."
Bud. No. No you're not.
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