Monday, January 13, 2014

for fun: tips, tricks, favorites, as of lates...

:: I've been using this recipe (the one in the purple shading towards the bottom) for over a year now. This one for about 6 months now. And a sort of vinegar/water concoction in a spray bottle for kithen and bathroom cleaners. I use it to wash our wood floors too. Lots of hot water in a bucket and a big splash of vinegar.

They work and I don't feel bad having the kids participate in chores involving them. Not to mention, cheap. Dirt cheap.

:: A rice cooker! I have one that looks similar to this one, all white. Mine was passed along to me. Knowing what I know now about one, how it perfectly cooks each indiviual kernel with no clumping or stickiness involved, I'd be more opt to find a way to pay for something of the sort.

:: My mother in law gave these to me one year in my stocking.  I use these with the kids to memorize. I use them on my own. I flip through the heading at the top of each one while feeling a specific need or leading to pray for or pass along a word of encouragement to others.

:: These! I got some of these for my sister-in-law for Christmas. I passed along the idea to my mom for myself. The kids LOVE them. They easily get away with one for the entire day. The prints are fun. No more running out of napkins!

:: Almonds! It's trouble when I don't have these or another nut on hand for my go to snack in the afternoon. And sadly, I pay for it.

:: More water. Dry skin? Dry heels? Nursing? Fatigue? Headaches? More. Always, more.

:: Sulfate Free shampoo/conditioner. I have the means for this from Walmart. It does the trick.

:: The Boxcar Children with the kids. Asher reads ahead a couple chapters, then we regroup and I read aloud to everyone.

:: Raising Kids Who Hunger For God for me. It's been slow going. My time is usally interupted but I'm finding myself able to camp out on a few pages or even just a few paragraphs at a time, for days.

:: Sundays we put the kids to bed at 7! That's early for the older two, but they are allowed to lay in their beds with books or legos until 8 o'clock. We usually aren't completely child-free (Lemuel) but the quiet time (even in just the house) to regroup and plan the week with Gabe before it takes off and gets the best of us has been really fruitful.

If you read this and you blog consider yourself 'tagged' to post 10 of your own!

Randi, Danica, Keila, Brietta- I tag you. Tag 4 more you know.

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