January is coming to its near close. That month that welcomes all that goal re-prioritizing, heart attitudes and issues put back into check more diligently, fresh schedule changes, and the important things addressed and made the most important things, again. All with the hope, anticipation, and expectancy to look back on yet another year marked by, more of Him. Always, more of Him.
I get to throw in a birthday along the way too, for good measure, and I have to say the older I get the more I love my birthday in this month. It's quiet. And simple. And warm by the fire. And I'm already doing much reflecting in the name of a New Year, that it comes as quite a gift to reflect on my very own God breathed life all intertwined. I like it. I'm remembering now the look of disappointment and sheer disgust with me when the kids woke up on January 9th. Mom, why didn't you decorate? It's your birthday!
Note to self for next year: try not to be so LAME.
The month of love awaits us, as well as the start back up to our Friday's being accounted for at FRIDAY SCHOOL! Before February comes and takes off without my knowledge of the time or day, here I pause to jot down January in a picture nut shell. For the Grammy and the Grandma most definitely...
Always a play-mate. Always.
Long hair.
Long hair on our clothes. Long hair on the floor. Long hair tangled in the vacuum cleaner. Long hair clogging the drains. Long hair in the baby's hands and stuck in the crevices of his chunky thighs. How? But totally worth the time and commitment, if there even really is one at 5!
A new pen pal.
Check out those deltoids! Or just squishy tender meat on that bone. It sure takes a biting.
Strange looking thing from across the field that only sat there and held our attention forever. Porcupine?
Was it really that cold out? Yes. Yes it was. In here though? It's all about style, flavor, and mood for this one. Coolest hat EVER with neck warmer attached/stitched right in. Thanks Grandma!
Puzzles after breakfast. Puzzles after lunch. Puzzles after nap. Puzzles after dinner. Puzzles before bed. Wake up. Do it all.over.again?! I.WOULD.DIE!
Too frigid outside? Snow angels inside, complete with Upward/Pirate/arm-in-a-sling-band inspiration.
Curious and getting braver by the day.
I don't make snack anymore! She taught herself. Innovative. Independent. Go get 'em type of attitude she has. She takes care of her boys.
Chasing sun beams.
Two children in particular, as part of their New Year's goals, had it in mind to take some 'cooking classes.' As soon as their little eyes widened and twinkled and I heard those words, I'll admit...I shrank a bit in my chair. That meant I'd be the one giving those cooking classes at the most inconvenient time, when sometimes I'm struggling myself to conjure up some inspiration. But their little faces covered with sheer excitement and anticipation helped me face some heart issues of my own. Now, we've only had a couple classes (as the kids like to call them...more profesh) sprinkled here and there, but it has been really really surprisingly fun and not inconvenient AT ALL. And I'm tying heart strings. At least, that's what I think and hope and pray we're doing. And throwing in a love for cooking all at the same time, something I have only acquired in recent years. Why must I always resort to being selfish first and foremost? Hey, I'm learning too.
Dinner prep time to quiet down to. It keeps me sane.
Rocked himself to sleep, again. Warm and rosy cheeked from the fire. Yikes maybe a little too warm?! Oops!
Mom, I left a surprise for you in the sink! (after his chore)
a cross...
We dusted off, cleaned up, and (she) spruced up the very doll house my daddy made for me. It made for a fun morning after bustling (in a never done before record time...motivated much?!) through all her chores and school.
We are the only girls. It really is rather special.
Gabe is not in
Also, another trick to share! This one just blew my mind away! We're still in process, but the end is finally in sight! Boy, the things you learn as a mom. I love it! Next time... It's pretty awesome!