Friday, January 10, 2014


We did Christmas. And it was magical. Not exactly because of the favorite traditions we do year in and year out, though those are fun. No, this year it was just different. And I felt it in my soul. I know my kids had moments as such too. The kind you sit back and bask in the realization they're being awakened to something more. I know they will remember our special breakfast this year, the way the tree beckoned us to just come, sit, and be in its midst, the cookies we made, consumed, and sent around to neighbors. The way their daddy took them sledding 'on vacation' in the DARK and hung red Christmas lights in their room. I have pictures of it all. And they're sacred to my heart.

But the tree got torn down. We finally found baby Jesus in the hay to put in the storage bag with the other figurines. The boxes strategically packed away on the shelf as in a giant Tetras game.

You can't see Him. But you know He's there. And He's not just there. He's here. In us. But how? Liam has been asking such great questions as of late. The kind that make me search my own soul and dig a bit deeper, again. Sometimes I feel an ache when I pack Christmas away. I hit the high so high that the slump sets in deep and all that I'm left gazing at are the long cold winter months ahead with kids up to my eye balls.

This year though, I kept being drawn to that stable. So humble, so hard, so real. And completely in His midst. He in theirs. They welcomed Him in, to the deepest parts of their being. And the revelation of His love for them, for the world, didn't hide the hard times or circumstances they were in or that of others, but gave breath and new meaning to the very words life and love. They got to experience Him.

I find the New Year with leading as such. Be ready to intercede, more. Be ready at a moment's notice. Know your scripture, the battle is at hand. Sharpen your weapon and walk in power. Be listening and share. Walk in obedience.

And I'm beyond thankful that when we walk in His midst, when we invite Him inHe gives strength to look beyond ourselves. Effective becomes our name and it's a dangerous place because the powers of darkness lose their ground.

I packed it all away in such peace this year, those boxes. And I marveled in the fact, He loves me. No matter what. He's absolutely crazy about me. And I can walk the path ahead knowing this life giving and love exploding truth makes me effective regardless of what the days ahead may bring.

What a way to start the New Year.

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