What stirs me up?
When my husband sends me the prophetic word we received nearly 2 years ago through email first thing this morning. I know that means he listened to it on his way to work this morning and I can't tell you how that alone speaks to a woman's heart. He's seeking the Lord for our family. And he's leading us well.
I love how the Lord is speaking, always. How he gives glimpses into your destiny and at the time you hear, test, and wait but the moment it quickens in sync with your spirit you know they were the very breath and words from the One who wants to reveal His thoughts and His plans for you, for such a time as this.
What stirs me up?
When little people around me fall into their destiny. We're asking them to pray. This is not Daddy's thing, or Mommy and Daddy's thing. This is family kingdom work, and they have a part in all of this too. There is an impartation awaiting their little souls. And I'm stirred a fresh to cast vision while Dad's hands are to the plow. Keep sharing with them what God is speaking. It's paving the way to making my God become their God. I can see it in their eyes.
What stirs me up?
When the very words written on my heart through a message yesterday are written on the same one who I hold covenant with, that were also written on the heart of first born, to come from this mystery, through his own time of asking and God seeking.
He's in this. And all around it.
If there's one thing I want my kids to catch from this season of 'pioneering' and 'redefining success through perseverance' it's this... He's speaking. Tune your ear. This is for you, today. You're 7 and 5 and 4 and 2 and baby in every way, but you will taste and see that the Lord is good. He's faithful. You can move and act and rest on the very breath of God. And we'll show you how to walk by faith and not by sight.
We'll make you part of this. You have a part in this.
So good. :)